Saturday, July 20, 2013


Hey there! You know that feeling when you know you have an important event in the morning and so you really really really have to get to bed, but you have a story idea running through your brain and you just have to write it down and it starts getting later and later and later and later.... then you look up to the  top right of your computer, see the time, internally freak out, see the three paragraphs you wrote, and decide to give it a rest until tomorrow? Yeah. I know that feeling. Really really really well.

Well. My name is Natalya, and I'm a writer. I haven't published anything yet, but I sure hope I can eventually. :) This blog is dedicated to the odd things that we writers do. Especially the really really really odd things we do. :)

I would love to interview and meet some of you young writers! I love comments, and I love to reply to them so comment away.

I hope to post both crazy stories about the crazy stuff I've done in the quest for understanding characters/situations....etc..... but I'd love to hear about yours too!

I may post excerpts from some of my books from time to time.... and I hope to hold some writing contests and giveaways too. :)

Well.... I hope you all enjoy this blog! I don't know how often I'll post.... we'll see. Anyway, have fun and keep writing! :D :D :D



  1. Hi, Natalya! I'm the Discher's cousin, in case you were wondering. I just stumbled on your blog and it looks really interesting! I'll be reading more. :)


    1. Awww. Thanks for the sweet comment! I'm so glad you like it! :D I will be writing more. :D
